Foley High School Placed on Lockdown After Fight Erupts, Police Confirm No Shots Fired as False Rumors Spread on Social Media

Foley, Alabama A brawl broke out on campus, creating immediate alarm and numerous rumors regarding the nature of the incident. Foley High School was placed under lockdown Thursday morning. After establishing that there were no weapons involved and that no shots had been fired, Baldwin County law enforcement—including members of the Foley Police Department and deputies from the Baldwin County Sheriff’s Department—reacted quickly to the incident, securing the campus and lifting the lockdown.

Although this occurrence alarmed the neighborhood and parents, no one was hurt, and all of the youngsters were said to be safe. But false information circulated quickly on social media, making things more difficult for officials in law enforcement and education.

A Baldwin County Public Schools spokesman stated that the lockdown was implemented as a preventative step to guarantee the security of the personnel and students while the issue was evaluated. “We are able to verify that every student is safe, and the lockdown was removed once the campus was secured by law enforcement. The spokesperson stated, “At no time were weapons involved, and the rumors circulating about gunfire are entirely false.”

Later in the morning, in response to the deluge of false material circulating on the internet, the Foley Police Department released a second statement. The statement said that a large number of the pictures and videos that were being circulated on social media in relation to the lockdown were outdated and unrelated to the activities that took place at Foley High School that morning. The police department stated, “Some of these images were not even taken on this campus,” advising the public to trust official sources for up-to-date information.

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